All command line options for the wuauclt: From a dump of the .exe (W2k3 R2 version ) we can extract the following options: /DetectNow /ReportNow /RunHandlerComServer /RunStoreAsComServer /ShowSettingsDialog /ResetAuthorization /ResetEulas /ShowWU /ShowWindowsUpdate /SelfUpdateManaged /SelfUpdateUnmanaged /UpdateNow /ShowWUAutoScan /ShowFeaturedUpdates /ShowOptions /ShowFeaturedOptInDialog /DemoUI Windows update service can be started from command line(CMD) using the below command. net start … Continúa leyendo WSUS

SNMP on windows

To modify the traps or the access to the SNMP you can open the services console, and find SNMP services in case the Security tap it’s lock you can modify the information on the registries: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\SNMP\Parameters\ValidCommunities HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\SNMP\Parameters\PermittedManagers To add a host on the accept snmp packets, create a new string key on the ValidCommunities regestry, … Continúa leyendo SNMP on windows